US Patent:
20200402247, Dec 24, 2020
- San Francisco CA, US
Rajinder Sodhi - San Francisco CA, US
Brett Jones - San Francisco CA, US
Pulkit Budhiraja - San Francisco CA, US
Phil Reyneri - San Francisco CA, US
Douglas Rieck - San Francisco CA, US
Andrew Kilkenny - San Francisco CA, US
Ehsan Noursalehi - San Francisco CA, US
Derek Nedelman - San Francisco CA, US
Laura LaPerche - San Francisco CA, US
Brittany Factura - San Francisco CA, US
International Classification:
G06T 7/521
G06T 7/536
G06K 9/32
G06K 9/46
G01B 11/25
One variation of method includes: serving setup frames to a projector facing a scene; at a peripheral control module comprising a camera facing the scene, recording a set of images during projection of corresponding setup frames onto the scene by the projector and a baseline image depicting the scene in the field of view of the camera; calculating a pixel correspondence map based on the set of images and the setup frames; transforming the baseline image into a corrected color image—depicting the scene in the field of view of the camera—based on the pixel correspondence map; linking visual assets to discrete regions in the corrected color image; generating augmented reality frames depicting the visual assets aligned with these discrete regions; and serving the augmented reality frames to the projector to cast depictions of the visual assets onto surfaces, in the scene, corresponding to these discrete regions.