US Patent:
20200232033, Jul 23, 2020
- Baltimore MD, US
Jonathan Pevsner - Baltimore MD, US
International Classification:
C12Q 1/6881
C12Q 1/6858
The present invention provides methods for analyzing blocks of closely spaced SNPs, or haplotypes for use in identification of the origin of DNA in a sample. The methods comprise aligning common alleles of a gene of interest and identifying a region containing a plurality of SNPs which is flanked by non-polymorphic DNA which can be used for primer placement. Any sequencing method, including next generation sequencing methods can then be used to determine the haplotypes in the sample with a lower limit of detection of at least 0.01%. These inventive methods are useful, for example, for identification of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients destined to relapse, microchimerism associated with solid organ transplantation, detection of solid organ transplant rejection by detecting donor DNA in recipient plasma, forensic applications, and patient identification.