
Walter Lorang Phones & Addresses

  • 137 Mccatty Dr, White Lake, MI 48386 (248) 698-0376 (248) 698-1024
  • 8780 Sandycrest Ct, White Lake, MI 48386
  • Commerce Township, MI
  • Bloomfield Hills, MI
  • Waterford, MI
  • Troy, MI
  • Ocala, FL
  • Sylvania, OH


Us Patents

Golf Training Apparatus

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US Patent:
40238105, May 17, 1977
Mar 22, 1976
Appl. No.:
Walter R. Lorang - Walled Lake MI
International Classification:
A63B 6936
US Classification:
The golf club swing training apparatus has a board on which the positions of the ball and the player's feet are designated for each club. It gives the player a scale of measurement for distances beween himself and the ball and between his feet for each club. It also gives the player the angles for his feet and the relative positions between the target foot and the off-target foot as closer to or farther from the ball. Flags or flexible strips are provided adjacent the ball positions to delineate the path of a club head in a proper inside-out swing. Means are provided to adjust the positions of the ball and the feet to accommodate players of different height and leg length as well as club shaft length. Rocker foot plates with associated signal means are provided to give the player a measurement of his body position on the backswing and the downswing to aid in holding his body without shift on the backswing and to shift the body toward the target on the downswing. The apparatus enables a player to measure his own positions and actions and enables an instructor to graphically demonstrate proper and improper positions and actions to a player.

Golf Putt Training Apparatus

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US Patent:
41672682, Sep 11, 1979
Jun 13, 1977
Appl. No.:
Walter R. Lorang - Walled Lake MI
International Classification:
A63B 6936
US Classification:
The apparatus enables a golfer to visually determine that he has the face of his putter normal to the target line and that he is stroking his putter along a straight line with the face of his putter at a right angle relative to the target line by visually indicating conformance thereto or deviation therefrom. A gauge is mounted on the shaft of the putter spaced above the club head. The gauge extends outwardly from the golfer and lies in his line of vision from his eye to the ball and the club head. The gauge is set on the shaft at the same angle as the putting face. The gauge has two like side members aligned on either side of the putter face and/or an additional central member aligned with the putter face. The golfer aligns the putter face at the ball between the side members and/or the central member in visual alignment. He maintains the visual alignment prior to and during his entire putting stroke.

Apparatus For Reducing Escape Of Water Vapor From Coffee Makers

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US Patent:
39877167, Oct 26, 1976
Dec 8, 1975
Appl. No.:
Walter R. Lorang - Walled Lake MI
International Classification:
A47J 3100
US Classification:
Apparatus for reducing the escape of water vapor from a heated water reservoir tank of a coffee machine to prevent drop in the water level by evaporation particularly during long periods of non-use. The machine has an outlet fitting leading to use from a point adjacent the top of the tank and a water inlet stand-pipe leading to the bottom of the tank to introduce displacement water into the tank. A looped tube leads from the top of the tank to the stand-pipe and in spaced relation thereto. Water vapor moves into the looped tube and is reintroduced to the tank by the stand-pipe to reduce depletion. The looped tube also constitutes a vacuum break for the sealed tank to allow entry and exit of displacement water. A baffle wall extends downwardly from the top of the tank into the water and surrounds the outlet fitting so that water vapor cannot escape via the outlet fitting.

Golf Swing Force Sequence Training Apparatus

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US Patent:
42523192, Feb 24, 1981
May 10, 1979
Appl. No.:
Walter R. Lorang - Walled Lake MI
International Classification:
A63B 6936
US Classification:
Golf swing training apparatus for advising a player of the sequence of the force factors in the swing of a club in a golf shot comprising a housing having an upper end flexibly mountable on the shaft of a club at a point adjacent the top of the off-target hand and a lower end at the bottom of the off-target hand in gripping the club. The upper end is movably attached to the shaft to allow the housing to rock on the shaft away from and toward the target during the swing. The housing separates the player's off-target hand from direct contact with the shaft and the housing's rockability disassociates off-target side direct control and direct application of force on the shaft during the backswing and the first part of the downswing. This tends to substantially reduce off-target side influence in the swing leaving the player in the position where he is influenced to exert initial dominant control and force of the swing through his target side. A lower bead is provided for locating the apparatus in the off-target hand at the first joint of the fingers and not on the palm.

Golf Grip Training Apparatus

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US Patent:
41038967, Aug 1, 1978
Apr 25, 1977
Appl. No.:
Walter R. Lorang - Walled Lake MI
International Classification:
A63B 6936
US Classification:
The golf grip training apparatus gives a signal to the golfer when the grip of his off-target hand interferes with the grip of his target hand in the swing of the club. A force sensitive element is located in the position of at least the middle fingers of the off-target hand. A signal device is controlled by the force sensitive element to emit a signal when the force exerted by the off-target hand exceeds minimal force. The signal advises the golfer that his off-target hand has exerted more than minimal force and thus has interfered with his target hand in the swing of the club. When no signal emits during the swing, the golfer is advised that his off-target hand has not exerted more than minimal force and thus has not interfered with his target hand in the swing of the club.

Golf Swing Wrist Action Training Apparatus

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US Patent:
40238121, May 17, 1977
Mar 15, 1976
Appl. No.:
Walter R. Lorang - Walled Lake MI
International Classification:
A63B 6936
US Classification:
Golf swing wrist action training apparatus having a leg mounted on a golf club in the area of the player's hands; the leg lies on the off-target side of the shaft and angles sidewise outwardly and endwise upwardly to a point about opposite the juncture of the player's hands on the club. This locates the upper contact end of the leg (in the ball address position of the club) spaced outwardly from the hands in an off-target direction with the shaft extending forwardly from the player's forearms. When the player's hands on the backswing reach about hip level, he cocks his wrists in an off-target direction moving the shaft from the forewardly extending position relative to his forearms to a near right angle position relative to his off-target forearm. This wrist pivot of the shaft swings the attached leg in an arc and brings the contact end of the leg into engagement with the off-target forearm of the player. This shows the player he has fully cocked his wrists.

Golf Swing Training Apparatus

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US Patent:
40378470, Jul 26, 1977
Feb 6, 1976
Appl. No.:
Walter R. Lorang - Walled Lake MI
International Classification:
A63B 6936
US Classification:
A golf training apparatus having a foot platform which is rockable from side-to-side on a rocket oriented on the long end-to-end axis of the platform. The platform operates on an attached or unattached base and a signal device is attached to the platform to indicate platform rocking movement by the emission of a signal. The platform tilts inwardly toward center in the ball address position. The player stands with his golf shoes on one or two platforms with his body on center and the platforms at ball address position. By not shifting his body away from the target on a proper backswing, the force in his off-target foot remains centered, the off-target platform is not tilted and no signal emits. By subsequently shifting his body toward the target on a proper downswing, the applied force in his target foot moves to the outside of his foot, tilts the platform to the opposite side (IE) outwardly toward the target, and a signal emits. The tilting and non-tilting of the platform together with the signal gives the player the "feel" of a properly executed swing as the platforms provide angular movement in the feet, ankles, calves not obtained in golf shoes which remain untilted under all conditions thus giving no perceptible indication of changes and no signal of improper and/or proper shift of position.
Walter R Lorang from White Lake, MI, age ~72 Get Report