
Vincent Tondiglia Phones & Addresses

  • 550 Elberon Ave, Dayton, OH 45403 (937) 253-0738
  • 6321 Wall St, Ravenna, OH 44266


Us Patents

Laser Wavelength Detection And Energy Dosimetry Badge

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US Patent:
56983433, Dec 16, 1997
Jun 28, 1996
Appl. No.:
Richard L. Sutherland - Dayton OH
Lalgudi V. Natarajan - Beavercreek OH
Vincent P. Tondiglia - Dayton OH
Robert L. Crane - Kettering OH
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Air
Force - Washington DC
International Classification:
G03H 104
US Classification:
430 1
A new personal laser dosimetry badge records intentional or unintentional exposure to laser radiation. A Fresnel biprism is mounted over a layer of photopolymerizable material, preferably a polymer-dispersed liquid crystal material. A laser beam striking the apex of the biprism splits into two beams crossing at an angle which depends on the prism apex angle and the angle of incidence. These crossed beams form an interference pattern at the photopolymer with bright and dark fringes separated by a distance which depends on wavelength and the crossing angle of the two beams. The light triggers a photopolymerization reaction in the bright regions and records a permanent refractive index modulation, a hologram, which serves as a record of the laser interference pattern. Light incident normally on the badge will produce a normal index grating. Light incident at an angle will produce a slanted grating.

Methods Of Making Voxelated Liquid Crystal Elastomers

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US Patent:
20160313607, Oct 27, 2016
Apr 21, 2016
Appl. No.:
- Wright-Patterson AFB OH, US
Taylor H. Ware - Beavercreek OH, US
Michael E. McConney - Beavercreek OH, US
Vincent P. Tondiglia - Dayton OH, US
Benjamin A. Kowalski - Dayton OH, US
Government of the United States as Represented by the Secretary of the Air Force - Wright-Patterson AFB OH
International Classification:
G02F 1/1337
C09K 19/38
A method of making a shape-programmable liquid crystal elastomer. The method includes preparing an alignment cell having a surface programmed with a plurality of domains. A cavity of the alignment cell is filled with a monomer solution. The monomers of the monomer solution are configured to align to the surface of the alignment cell. The aligned monomers are polymerized by Michael Addition. The polymerized monomers are then cross-linked to form a cross-linked liquid crystal elastomer. The cross-linking traps monomer alignment into a plurality of voxels with each voxel having a director orientation.
Vincent P Tondiglia from Dayton, OH, age ~66 Get Report