Martin Blaszczyk - Villa Park IL
Vincent E. Bridge - Basking Ridge NJ
Daniel E. Radke - Oklahoma City OK
Brent E. Taylor - Batavia IL
Michael Zurat - Bridgewater NJ
Lucent Technologies Inc. - Murray Hill NJ
International Classification:
H03K 19082
A system and method for translating a non-logic-family signal level into a logic-family signal level, the system comprising: a source of a non-logic-family signal that can assume a first and a second non-logic-family state; and a translator for determining whether the signal is in the first non-logic-family state, and if so, providing a translated signal having a first-logic family level. The translator can take the form of a comparator controlling an output transistor tied to a pull-up resistor, or a programmed processor. Examples of the logic-families include transistor-transistor logic (TTL) and complimentary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) logic. Examples of sources of non-logic-family signals includes a light emitting diode, a buzzer and a beeping device.