Professional Records
Lawyers & Attorneys

Uma Outka, Lawrence KS - Lawyer
View pageAddress:
University of Kansas School of Law
Green Hall 1535 W 15Th St, Lawrence, KS 66045
(207) 780-4355 (Office), (207) 780-4341 (Fax)
Green Hall 1535 W 15Th St, Lawrence, KS 66045
(207) 780-4355 (Office), (207) 780-4341 (Fax)
Florida - Member in Good Standing 2008
University of Maine School of Law
Degree - JD - Juris Doctor - Law
Degree - JD - Juris Doctor - Law
Communications / Media - 34%
Energy / Utilities - 33%
Land Use / Zoning - 33%
Energy / Utilities - 33%
Land Use / Zoning - 33%