US Patent:
20140109990, Apr 24, 2014
Toby Brashear - Punta Gorda FL, US
International Classification:
F16L 3/00
A remotely mountable irrigation unit which can be mounted in any location desired by the user, or due to system constraints, which utilizes quick disconnects, for ease of installation or moving to another location. The preferred embodiment of the present invention centralizes all of an irrigation systems control valves, wiring, and includes the irrigation control unit, thus ensuring ease of maintenance and installation. The unit may be controllable via personal computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet allowing the user to program all aspects of the system, from zone irrigation duration, to which zones receive irrigation at what time, and observe system performance such as power consumption, fluid consumption, and determine if there are any leaks in the system via pressure drops sensed at one of the valves.