Nicholas A. Peters - Laurel MD, US
Thomas E. Chapuran - Hillsborough NJ, US
Robert Runser - Clarksville MD, US
Matthew S. Goodman - Ellicott City MD, US
Telcordia Technologies, Inc. - Piscataway NJ
International Classification:
H04B 10/02
A distributed quantum relay architecture is disclosed. In one embodiment of this architecture, time and wavelength division multiplexing are used to enable a laser pump pulse, already used to create an initial entangled photon pair, to be distributed to a remote relay site, on the same optical fiber as a photon from that initial pair. At that remote site, the pump pulse is amplified and used to locally create the second entangled photon pair that is required for quantum teleportation. This embodiment enables the placement of quantum repeater stations at remote locations without complicated dedicated channels to distribute the pump or electronics. In addition, as lasers are generally among the most expensive components, a significant cost savings is gained, in this embodiment, by using only one pump laser instead of two (or more) as in previous quantum teleportation efforts.