US Patent:
20070007804, Jan 11, 2007
Jeff Pemberton - Plainville MA, US
Richard Glover - Greenwood IN, US
Tadeusz W. Keska - Smithfield RI, US
Larry Freese - Portsmith RI, US
Douglas Melville - Avon CT, US
Allan Ferraro - Attleboro MA, US
Cosco Management, Inc. - Wilmington DE
International Classification:
A47C 3/02
A juvenile relaxation apparatus includes a juvenile holder including a seat and a frame adapted to set on an underlying floor surface. The juvenile holder is either a bouncer, rocker, lounger, crib, bassinet, cradle, or other juvenile seat. The juvenile relaxation apparatus further includes a rocker blade and a rocker motion system coupled to the rocker blade. The rocker motion system produces side-to-side rocking motion of the rocker blade and frame.