
Sylvester Ehrle Phones & Addresses

  • 8524 5Th St, Frisco, TX 75034
  • Plano, TX
  • McKinney, TX
  • Richardson, TX

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Sylvester Louis Ehrle
General Partner
Ehrle Family Limited Partnership
8524 5 St, Frisco, TX 75034


Us Patents

Apparatus For Dispensing Pencils With Erasure Ferrules Having A Hopper With A Coating On Its Surface That Prevents The Ferrules From Contacting The Hopper

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US Patent:
49602268, Oct 2, 1990
Jun 6, 1989
Appl. No.:
Sylvester L. Ehrle - Richardson TX
International Classification:
B65H 362
US Classification:
Disclosed is apparatus for dispensing cylindrical objects such as pencils. The objects are stored in a hopper within a housing and fall out of the hopper into a delivery reservoir which is movable between a first position and a second position. When an activation mechanism moves the reservoir to the second position, the objects in the reservoir fall to an outlet in the housing. As the reservoir moves to its second position, an agitator aligns the pencils in the hopper to avoid bridging. A platform over the hopper holds some of the objects off the objects in the hopper. A patina on the agitator holds the high friction parts of the objects off the agitator so the objects roll or slide more easily.

Dispenser Lock

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US Patent:
52694399, Dec 14, 1993
Apr 27, 1992
Appl. No.:
Sylvester L. Ehrle - Richardson TX
International Classification:
B65G 5900
US Classification:
Unauthorized removal of packages from coin-operated vending apparatus is prevented by a gravity operated lock which prevents removal of the ejector from the column of packages in the dispenser. The lock can only be removed from the locking position by movement of the connecting link by which the coin-operated slide moves the ejector to remove packages from the column of packages.
Sylvester L Ehrle from Frisco, TXDeceased Get Report