James W. Bond - San Diego CA
Stefen Hui - Spring Valley CA
David Stein - San Diego CA
James Zeidler - San Diego CA
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
The frequency domain kernel processor of the present invention comprises a cheduler for selecting samples from blocks of Fourier transform coefficients in a predetermined sequence and for outputting the selected samples as serial terms s and as parallel terms u. A transform processor is coupled to the scheduler to receive the terms s and u. The transform processor comprises transform calculators for calculating output values p and f as functions of terms s and u to model the interference and to reveal the desired signal, a first sum calculator for calculating a sum of p values, a second summing calculator for calculating a sum of f values, and a divider for calculating, the quotient of the sum of p values divided by the sum of f values. An output buffer stores the outputs of the divider for formatting as a spectral display.