US Patent:
20150339707, Nov 26, 2015
- Sunnyvale CA, US
Sophia Thitirat Perl - San Jose CA, US
Tingyi Wu - Sunnyvale CA, US
Conrad Wai - San Francisco CA, US
YAHOO! INC. - Sunnyvale CA
International Classification:
G06Q 30/02
G06F 17/30
Disclosed is a system and method for displaying search results upon the occurrence or detection of an event and/or time-delay. The present provides a user with the ability to view search results upon satisfaction of an event trigger or specified time delay (e.g., a rule). The disclosed systems and methods enable features that allow a user to link a search query and/or a set or sets of results for the search query to a trigger, whereby upon detection and satisfaction of such trigger, the search (and/or related results) are displayed. Such trigger can be associated with, but not limited to, a calendar event, to-do list item, location, a product or contact person, among other types of event based information events.