Shin-Nan Sun - Fremont CA, US
Limin Zhu - Fremont CA, US
Theodore Speers - San Jose CA, US
Gregory Bakker - San Jose CA, US
Actel Corporation - Mountain View CA
International Classification:
H03D 9/00
A programmable system-on-a-chip integrated circuit device comprises at least one of a crystal oscillator circuit, an RC oscillator circuit, and an external oscillator input. A clock conditioning circuit is selectively coupleable to one of the programmable logic block, the crystal oscillator circuit, the RC oscillator circuit, and the external oscillator input. A real-time clock is selectively coupleable to one of the programmable logic block, the crystal oscillator circuit, the RC oscillator circuit, and the external oscillator input. A programmable logic block is coupled to the clock conditioning circuit and the real-time clock.