US Patent:
20150143594, May 21, 2015
Shawn A. Mehlenbacher - Corvallis OR, US
David C. Smith - Corvallis OR, US
Rebecca L. McCluskey - Corvallis OR, US
University - Corvallis OR
International Classification:
A01H 5/00
A new and distinct cultivar of plant named ‘Wepster’ characterized by high vigor and an upright-spreading plant habit, yellowish-green developing and fully expanded leaves during the spring and summer, resistance to eastern filbert blight caused by the fungus (Peck) E. Muller, presence of random amplified polymorphic DNA markers 152-800 and 268-580 amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and which are linked to a dominant allele for resistance to eastern filbert blight from the cultivar Gasaway, expression of incompatibility alleles Si and Sin the styles, and DNA fingerprints at 8 of 20 microsatellite marker loci differ from both parents OSU 440.005 and ‘Tonda Pacifica’, and from one parent at an additional 12 marker loci.