US Patent:
20150046985, Feb 12, 2015
Roy Peter D'Souza - Belleview WA, US
Santosh S. Shanbhag - Saratoga CA, US
Jieming Zhu - Saratoga CA, US
Frank Salzmann - Danville CA, US
Bala Kaushik - Cupertino CA, US
Ronald Totah - Los Altos CA, US
James Chappell - Los Gatos CA, US
PivotCloud, Inc. - Sunnyvale CA
International Classification:
H04L 29/06
Methods, systems and apparatuses for an operator provisioning a trustworthy workspace to a subscriber are disclosed. One method includes providing the subscriber with the trustworthy workspace, where in the trustworthy workspace comprises a virtualized content repository with trustworthy workflows for storing, sharing and processing a digital content across a plurality of repositories. The method further includes allowing the subscriber authority to sub-provision the trustworthy workspace to one or more authorized parties, wherein only the one or more authorized parties can view or modify at least a portion of the digital content.