
Robert Mattsey Phones & Addresses

  • 5781 N State Road 9, Greenfield, IN 46140
  • 5831 N State Road 9, Greenfield, IN 46140
  • 119 Main St, Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 326-3301


Position: Professional/Technical


Degree: High school graduate or higher



Robert Mattsey Photo 1

Project Manager At Hp

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Indianapolis, Indiana Area
Computer Software
Robert Mattsey Photo 2

Pmo/Itil Manager At Eds

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Indianapolis, Indiana Area
Computer Software


Us Patents

Modified Chess Game For Team Play

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US Patent:
52754146, Jan 4, 1994
Mar 22, 1993
Appl. No.:
Ryan K. Stephens - Maxwell IN
Christopher L. Zeis - Maxwell IN
Ronald R. Plew - Maxwell IN
Robert E. Mattsey - Maxwell IN
International Classification:
A63F 302
US Classification:
A method for playing team chess has been devised by using a modified chess board and using conventional chess rules. The gameboard has a square matrix of fourteen squares by fourteen squares. Four sets of conventional chess pieces are used, each set containing one king, one queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns. Each set of chess pieces differ in color, with two sets of pieces having light colors representing one team and two sets of chess pieces having dark colors representing the other team. The chess pieces move according to the conventional rules of chess. Each player's king must be checkmated two times by the opposing players before the player is removed from the game. A player in checkmate remains in checkmate and is unable to move any of his/her playing pieces during the player's subsequent turns until either his partner blocks the checkmating piece, or his partner captures the checkmating piece, or one of the opposing players moves one of the opposing playing pieces into a position so that the checkmate is removed. Playing pieces of the removed player remain on the board cannot be moved for the remainder of the game and can only be removed when captured.
Robert E Mattsey from Greenfield, IN, age ~74 Get Report