
Richard J Ouwerkerk

from Glendale, CA
Age ~67

Richard Ouwerkerk Phones & Addresses

  • 1617 Columbus Ave, Glendale, CA 91202
  • San Dimas, CA
  • Alhambra, CA
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Van Nuys, CA


Position: Clerical/White Collar


Degree: High school graduate or higher


Us Patents

Self Calibrating Radar System

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US Patent:
58413944, Nov 24, 1998
Jun 11, 1997
Appl. No.:
William G. Sterns - Newhall CA
David M. Cook - Granada Hills CA
Richard J. Ouwerkerk - Los Angeles CA
ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc. - Wilmington DE
International Classification:
G01S 740
US Classification:
A radar system is described, which includes a built-in calibration/fault detection apparatus that enables rapid and easy calibration of the system. The system includes a long extrusion (70) forming a feed waveguide (90), a calibration waveguide (92), and a base (94) of a horn antenna. A linear array of TR (transmit/receive) units (42) are mounted on the extrusion, with each having a feed probe (100) that receives a feed signal, changes its phase and amplifies it, and delivers it through a monopole (110) to the horn. The calibration waveguide is coupled through holes (130) to the horn, with a calibration pickup (132) mounted at the end of the calibration waveguide. During calibration, one TR unit at a time is energized, and its output is detected by the calibration pickup to check the amplitude and phase of the TR unit.
Richard J Ouwerkerk from Glendale, CA, age ~67 Get Report