
Raymond Brandeberry Phones & Addresses

  • 5613 Comet Ave, Toledo, OH 43623 (419) 474-1897
  • Lexington, KY
  • 5613 Comet Ave, Toledo, OH 43623


Us Patents

Sheathed Thermocouple

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US Patent:
39350320, Jan 27, 1976
Nov 15, 1973
Appl. No.:
Raymond L. Brandeberry - Toledo OH
Glen J. Lehr - Oregon OH
Denzil W. Stacy - Toledo OH
Libbey-Owens-Ford Company - Toledo OH
International Classification:
G01K 700
US Classification:
A thermocouple for measuring the temperatures of hot gases up to and above 3000. degree. F. with surroundings at the same or different temperatures, the thermocouple having its hot junction encased in a protective sheath which is detachably sealingly connected to the hot end of an elongated tubular housing containing thermocouple leads insulated both atmospherically and electrically. These leads extend back through the length of the housing and pass through an insulative sealing bushing disposed in the cold end of the housing for connection to a suitable recording instrument. The interior chamber defined by the sheath, housing and bushing is pressurized to assure that the interior chamber is atmospherically insulated and to prevent the hot gases from penetrating into the interior chamber and, together with effects of condensation, deteriorating the hot junction and the leads of the thermocouple and/or creating short circuits.

Method Of Processing Glazed Tubular Inserts

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US Patent:
42095565, Jun 24, 1980
Dec 8, 1978
Appl. No.:
Raymond L. Brandeberry - Toledo OH
Lawrence B. Ginther - Toledo OH
Glen J. Lehr - Oregon OH
Paul F. Sanford - Toledo OH
Libbey-Owens-Ford Company - Toledo OH
International Classification:
B05D 300
US Classification:
Method for processing glass coated tubular metal inserts for use in forming apertures employed in the manufacture of all-glass multiple sheet glazing units. The surface of the metal inserts are first cleaned and then their outer surfaces are prepared to receive a layer of glass frit by tumbling in sand. The layer of glass frit is physically adhered to the clean outer surface by tumbling the inserts in small pieces of glass. The glass fritted inserts are then treated in a continuous operation, at elevated temperatures by first degassing the glass frit layers in a vacuum, oxidizing the outer surface of the metal inserts at a temperature below the sintering temperature of the glass frit in a controlled atmosphere, and then sintering and glazing the glass frit layer at a temperature above the softening point thereof while still in a controlled atmosphere to securely bond the glass layer to the metal inserts.

Radiation Shields For Aspirating Pyrometers

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US Patent:
40381056, Jul 26, 1977
Oct 8, 1975
Appl. No.:
Raymond L. Brandeberry - Toledo OH
Glen J. Lehr - Oregon OH
Denzil W. Stacy - Toledo OH
Libbey-Owens-Ford Company - Toledo OH
International Classification:
H01L 3502
US Classification:
An improved heat shield for shielding a sheathed thermocouple from heat radiating from or to surrounding bodies having temperatures different from the temperatures of hot gases which are being measured by the thermocouple. The improved shield generally is comprised of two elements, namely, (1) an elongated refractory member having an axially extending central passage for receiving the thermocouple and a plurality of parallel passages surrounding the central passage and (2) a flanged tubular holder for attaching the refractory member to one end of a water cooled probe. The refractory member is constructed of a large diameter thin wall refractory tube which is bonded to the flanged holder and houses a plurality of small diameter thin walled refractory tubes which are bonded to the inner surface of the large tube. The tubes collectively and individually define the central and parallel passages. The inner surface of the flanged tubular holder is provided with an abutment for retaining the large and small tubes in their longitudinally assembled positions relative to each other in case of failure of the bond without blocking the passages defined by the tubes.

Apparatus For Bending Glass Sheets

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US Patent:
51786605, Jan 12, 1993
Jun 26, 1991
Appl. No.:
David M. Wampler - Toledo OH
Raymond L. Brandeberry - Toledo OH
Ermelinda A. Apolinar - Toledo OH
Timothy C. Holt - Perrysburg OH
Libbey-Owens-Ford Co. - Toledo OH
International Classification:
C03B 2303
US Classification:
The present invention relates to a female press bending ring for use in the press bending of glass sheets outside of a furnace, and more particularly to a female press bending ring which is suitably heated during the bending cycle to regulate the transfer of heat between the peripheral margin of the glass and the female bending ring with which it is in contact. By so doing, near-edge tension and edge stresses are greatly reduced, thereby reducing chill cracking and glass breakage during and after production. The female ring may be covered by a layer of fiberglass cloth or the like to provide a smooth resilient surface for engaging the glass sheet.
Raymond L Brandeberry from Toledo, OH, age ~82 Get Report