US Patent:
20140380423, Dec 25, 2014
- Basking Ridge NJ, US
Rahul Buddhisagar - San Jose CA, US
Michael Krack - St. Pete Beach FL, US
Jeffrey Wong - San Jose CA, US
Jai Pugalia - San Jose CA, US
Lee Shero - McKinney TX, US
International Classification:
H04L 29/06
An authorization system for dynamically awarding permissions to a requestor for performing an action, based on real-time monitored statistics of the requestor. The authorization system comprises a processor and a memory. The memory further comprises a status database for storing real-time information corresponding to the requestor, and a rules database for storing rules to enable the authorization system in determining permissions for various requestors' requests to perform the action. Additionally, the memory includes a status determining module for determining status-data related to the requestor, and a permission awarding module to evaluate the status-data with a dynamically selected set of rules for awarding permission to a requestor's request. The memory further includes a risk estimation module for calculating risk associated in awarding the permission, and an action triggering module for triggering an associated action based on the calculated risk.