
Prashant J Kurdukar

from Naperville, IL
Age ~69

Prashant Kurdukar Phones & Addresses

  • 1666 Ithaca Dr, Naperville, IL 60565 (630) 357-9368
  • Horsham, PA
  • 1666 Ithaca Dr, Naperville, IL 60565 (630) 672-8757


Position: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations



Us Patents

Common Access Code Routing Using Subscriber Directory Number

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US Patent:
6668050, Dec 23, 2003
Sep 7, 1999
Appl. No.:
Prashant Janardhan Kurdukar - Naperville IL
Lucent Technologies Inc. - Murray Hill NJ
International Classification:
H04M 342
US Classification:
37921601, 379 45, 37935507, 37935508
A subscriber dialed common access code, e. g. , pqr, such as for directory assistance (411), fire service (611), or voice mail service (222) is translated into a predetermined seven digit number, e. g. , tuv-wxyz. All or part of the subscribers directory number (DN), e. g. , abc-defg, is then prefixed and/or suffixed to the translated number to provide a re-constructed number which includes all or part of the subscribers DN. The re-constructed number takes the form of part/all of [abc-defg] and tuv-wxyz followed by part/all of [abc-defg]. Thus, the re-constructed number incorporates all or part of the subscribers DN allowing for differentiation among various subscribers who use common access codes permitting each subscriber call to be routed on an individual basis. This permits common access codes to be used by subscribers throughout the network, while routing some subscriber calls differently from others where the same dialed digits are used. In another embodiment, all or part of the callers DN is combined either as a prefix or suffix with the dialed number for the selective routing of calls to the dialed number on an individual caller basis.

Handover Control Method And Apparatus Using Fuzzy Logic

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US Patent:
61415537, Oct 31, 2000
Jan 20, 1998
Appl. No.:
Christopher L. Fernandez - Aurora IL
Martine M. Herpers - Erlangen, DE
James E. Hoch - Warrenville IL
Prashant J. Kurdukar - Naperville IL
Masoor Ramesh - Naperville IL
Lucent Technologies, Inc. - Murray Hill NJ
International Classification:
H04Q 720
US Classification:
A method and an apparatus for using fuzzy logic to determine when handovers are desirable and the extent to which the radio transmission power in a cellular telephone network should be adjusted. The mobile phone and the base transceiver station measure certain system parameters, including rate of handover, quality, distance, level, call duration, and power. These measurements are input to a fuzzifier. The fuzzifier applies standard fuzzy-set-theory membership functions to the measurements, and the fuzzifier outputs a set of fuzzy variables corresponding to the measurements. The fuzzifier outputs are input to an inference engine. The inference engine contains a set of rules that, when applied to the inference engine inputs, indicate: when a handover should be performed; when a handover should not be performed; and the amount by which, if any, the transmission power should be adjusted.
Prashant J Kurdukar from Naperville, IL, age ~69 Get Report