Nobuyasu Hasebe - Rancho Palos Verdes CA
Nobukatsu Hasebe - Rancho Palos Verdes CA
International Classification:
C01B 308
In accordance with the invention an alkali metal is reacted with an ionizable hydrogen compound selected from the group consisting of hydrochloric acid, water or mixtures thereof to produce hydrogen and an alkali metal chloride or alkali metal hydroxide, depending upon whether hydrochloric acid or water is used to react with the alkali metal. The alkali metal chloride produced directly as a by-product of the hydrogen production step, or subsequently from the alkali metal hydroxide, is heated in the presence of aluminum to produce the alkali metal for reuse in the process and aluminum chloride. The aluminum chloride is hydrolyzed to aluminum hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. The hydrochloric acid can be recycled to produce hydrogen by reaction directly with the alkali metal or can be used to convert the alkali metal hydroxide formed during the hydrogen production step to the alkali metal chloride which can be recycled back into the process. The aluminum hydroxide thus formed can be electrolyzed to aluminum metal and water to provide a method of recovering aluminum metal from aluminum scrap which previously has not be readily recyclable.