
Mine Spears Phones & Addresses

  • Marina del Rey, CA
  • Aurora, IL
  • Santa Monica, CA
  • Lake Oswego, OR
  • Portland, OR
  • Naperville, IL
  • PO Box 1037, Santa Monica, CA 90406


Position: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations


Degree: Associate degree or higher


Us Patents

Method And System For Matching Users For Relationships Using A Discussion Based Approach

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US Patent:
20060282426, Dec 14, 2006
Jun 13, 2005
Appl. No.:
Mine Spears - Santa Monica CA, US
International Classification:
G06F 17/30
US Classification:
A system of matching users for relationships based upon both user provided profile information, and preferences they develop as they participate in discussion forums. User profile information can be used to determine the universe of users who have mutually compatible relationship criteria, but not necessarily the actual pairs of users who have the best chance of a successful relationship. The invention introduces the concept of discussion-based matching, wherein users interact in online forums to discuss topics of interest to them. The system informs users about which other users in the discussion are potential matches. As they interact, they begin to narrow down the universe of compatible matches to a smaller set of users who they have observed or interacted with in the discussion forum. This eases the transition to private communication, which is necessary for a personal relationship to begin, and results in more successful relationships. The system also regulates abusive or rude users in the online forums by allowing other users to report such behavior. The system records these reports and can automatically take punitive action against offending users, such as displaying a list of offending users, displaying special icons next to those user's usernames, and ultimately blocking a user from accessing the system.
Mine Spears from Marina del Rey, CA, age ~65 Get Report