US Patent:
20030061330, Mar 27, 2003
Lynn Frisco - Lawrenceville GA, US
James Grissom - Winston-Salem NC, US
Matthew Henry - Roswell GA, US
James McDonnell - Alpharetta GA, US
Michael Miedona - Alpharetta GA, US
James Peters - Arlington TX, US
Allison Shue - Cumming GA, US
Jeffrey Shue - Cumming GA, US
Larry Shutzberg - Duluth GA, US
Richard Wheadon - Lawrenceville GA, US
William Wheaton - Decatur GA, US
Alec Black - Marietta GA, US
International Classification:
The present invention provides a project and process management tool for managing projects requiring collaboration among multiple parties. The present invention allows each participating organization to define their own process for managing projects, including the nomenclature they wish to use and the project attributes they wish to track. The system provides merging and cross referencing of process and project attributes with each participating organization. This feature allows participating organizations to view similar activities across various projects, providing effective process management. The system provides web-based notification functionalities, including email, and security measures which are critical to such large projects. Other features of the project management tool include searching of the system database and the ability to manage project activities outsourced to third parties.