Melvyn L. Henkin - Ventura CA, 93001
Jordan M. Laby - Ventura CA, 93001
International Classification:
E04H 416
US Classification:
210103, 210138, 210169, 2104162, 2102421, 15 17, 134167 R, 134168 R
A method and apparatus responsive to a positive pressure water source ( ) for cleaning the interior surface of a pool containment wall ( ) and the upper surface ( ) of a water pool ( ) contained therein. The apparatus includes an essentially unitary cleaner body ( ) and a level control subsystem ( ) for selectively moving the body ( ) to a position either proximate to the surface ( ) of the water pool for water surface cleaning or proximate to the interior surface ( ) of the containment wall for wall surface cleaning. The cleaner body can have a weight/buoyancy characteristic to cause it to normally rest either ( ) proximate to the pool bottom adjacent to the wall surface (i. e. , heavier-than-water) or ( ) proximate to the water surface (i. e. lighter-than-water).