US Patent:
20090152256, Jun 18, 2009
Alan Seid - Dublin OH, US
Masayuki Narita - Dublin OH, US
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. - Tokyo
International Classification:
B21D 35/00
B21J 1/06
B23P 23/00
H05B 1/00
US Classification:
219149, 219162, 29 33 R, 29592, 72364
A method and related apparatus are disclosed for heating and stamping a processed part. A sheet of high-tensile steel is provided as a work part. The sheet is plated with a high-temperature-resistant material to improve formability. The temperature-resistant material can include oxidized aluminum or a high-temperature-resistant alloy of aluminum and/or zinc and/or steel. An electrical current is applied to the work part to provide heating to the work part through resistance heating. The plated sheet can be stamped while heating to form a stamped work part. The work part is quenched through cooling to increase metallurgical strength.