US Patent:
20090184453, Jul 23, 2009
Daniel A. Pruzan - Redwood City CA, US
Michael R. Mendenhall - Los Gatos CA, US
Patrick H. Reisenthel - Pleasanton CA, US
Daniel J. Lesieutre - San Jose CA, US
Marnix F.E. Dillenius - Palo Alto CA, US
Robert E. Childs - Mountain View CA, US
International Classification:
B65H 39/00
The gathering, conveyance, and assembly of printed material utilizing one or more aerodynamic positioning devices in conjunction with binding machinery is disclosed. The aerodynamic positioning device utilizes controlled fluid flow via a series of discretely spaced jets that create a low pressure region beneath a signature dropping from an adjacent feeder. The aerodynamic positioning device allows the binding machinery to operate at high speeds with lightweight and unbalanced signatures while maintaining high-quality production with reduced paper jams.