US Patent:
20080072727, Mar 27, 2008
Marat Geyfen - San Francisco CA, US
International Classification:
B26D 7/28
A hand tool apparatus for cutting a portion of an object at a length is presented. The apparatus includes at least two movable parts arranged on a pivot point. A nose is at one end of the pivot point and a pair of handles at an opposite end of the pivot point for operating the parts to grasp the object and cut the portion of the object. The nose including a pair of opposing cutting blades positioned vertically at a distal end of the nose for cutting the portion of the object and a measuring scale disposed on at least one surface of the nose. When the object is inserted at the distal end, the length of the portion of the object extending inward from the distal end can be measured. When the parts are operated the measured length of the portion of the object is cut.