Strathmore University - Teaching Assistant (2011)
Strathmore University - School Administrator (2010-2011)
Strathmore University - Research Assistant (2009-2010)
Strathmore University - PhD. Mathematical Finance, University of Nairobi - MSc. Actuarial Science, Maseno University - BSc. Actuarial Science, State House Girls' High School - Certificate of Secondary Eduction, Kenya Christian Industrial Training Institute - Computerized Accounting and Programming
I am still young. With so much to learn. I will make costly mistakes once in a while, but I will learn at the end of the day. But what I pray most, is that I never get to live to please people. I woul...
I am compassionate, kind and generous. I am thoughtful, sincere and honest. When I become a friend, I become one with all my heart. I am simple yet complicated; elegant yet out of fashion; sophisticated yet common; strict yet free; knowledgeable yet naive; curious yet restricted; intelligent yet can be stupid at times; open yet reserved. I am not shy of speaking my mind or my feelings towards someone or something. I am candid, almost to an embarrassing extent...
Bragging Rights:
I have been hurt but I still believe... I speak the truth even when it is ugly...