I am Khaleeq Zaman Soomro (مسلم الحمدلله), freelance web designer from Hyderabad , Jamshoro and Dadu. I am a freelance web and Graphic designer from Pakistan living in Karachi Hyderabad , Jamshoro and Dadu. Well there is lot of highly skilled professional freelance web designers available in Pakistan. I am feeling good that i am one among them. I am working in a professional web designing company in Hyderabad doing overseas website development projects as well as online applications. My role is to visualize, design and develop the GUI (graphic user interfaces). So I have 3 years of experience in a professional web designing company outsourcing website projects for foreign countries. Web designing according to me is the development of unique and creative websites which are outstanding, cost effective, fast loading, browser compactable and resolution compactable with high quality graphics, rather than that of creating just a website. I am a Adobe certified Web Engineer and Graphic Designer from Arena Multimedia, CSS driven table less websites and also table based Websites are my specialty. CSS managed DIV websites are highly search engine friendly to get listed by the popular search engines. So I ensure that my websites are highly search engine friendly and very fast even in slow internet connections and they follow w3c standards to compete with international websites design standards. As a Talented freelance web designer i can offer you high quality websites designing services which u may avail from any other professional web designing company in Pakistan or abroad with in a very affordable price, It means that, i am an affordable freelance web designer in Pakistan. Please contact me for W3C website designing, CSS based (table less) or Table Based web designing in Pakistan, DIV based professional website development in Pakistan, Creative concept web designers in Pakistan as well as Karachi, creative web designing projects, cost effective web development, low cost quality web designers to outsource web designing projects. I also undertake flash website development, flash banner designing, flash presentations, I give 6 months maintenance is free for the websites. I ❤ allah I ❤ ME I ❤ EMoOoO I ❤ My Hair I ❤ My Friends I ❤ My Family I ❤ My College (___(__________()ڪے~~ I am chain smoker...