Keith R. Kluender - Madison WI
Rick L. Jenison - Madison WI
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation - Madison WI
International Classification:
G10L 1520
A method and apparatus for enhancing an auditory signal to make sounds, particularly speech sounds, more distinguishable. An input auditory signal is divided into a plurality of spectral channels. An output gain for each channel is derived based on the time varying history of the energy in the channel and, preferably, the time varying history of energy in neighboring channels. The magnitude of the output gain for each channel thus derived is preferably inversely related to the history of energy in the channel. The output gain derived for each channel is applied to the channel to form a plurality of modified spectral channel signals. The plurality of modified spectral channel signals are combined to form an enhanced output auditory signal. The present invention is particularly applicable to electronic hearing aid devices, speech recognition systems, and the like.