How to Title & Register your Vehicle [Article]In this 52 page article you will learn how to title and register your vehicle based on the method of how and where your vehicle was purchased, who can title and register your vehicle, why sales tax in not always included in the total price, why and and h...
Joyce Mao
Kindle Edition
Joyce Mao
How to obtain an auto loan [Article]In this 56 page article you will learn tips on different options of applying for different types of auto loans, what to look out for at the dealership, what to look out for from the finance company, how you can get a good interest rate, how you can do comparisons ...
Joyce Mao
Kindle Edition
Joyce Mao
After Japanese bombs hit Pearl Harbor, the American right stood at a crossroads. Generally isolationist, conservatives needed to forge their own foreign policy agenda if they wanted to remain politically viable. When Mao Zedong established the People’s Republic of China in 1949with the Cold War just...
Joyce Mao
University Of Chicago Press