Larry Anderson - Columbus OH, US
John W. Beal - Delaware OH, US
David S. Ellis - Gahanna OH, US
John Lauletta - Hudson OH, US
Exacter, Inc. - Columbus OH
International Classification:
G01R 21/00
G08B 21/00
US Classification:
702 62, 702 60, 702 61, 34087007, 34087016, 34063617, 340646, 340650, 362531, 362536
System and method for detecting partial discharge arcing phenomena in a power network distribution system which employs a mobile receiving assemblage including a wideband antenna, a computer controllable wideband radio receiver deriving an amplitude detected output and a global positioning system providing system position data. The amplitude detected outputs are digitized and treated with a digital signal processor based analysis including fast Fourier transforms extracting narrowband signal frequencies that are harmonically related to the network fundamental frequency. The narrowband signal frequencies are analyzed for peak amplitudes which are summed to derive maintenance merit values related to the arcing phenomena.