Ludwig Muhlfelder - Livingston NJ
John Edward Keigler - Princeton NJ
Brian Stewart - Slough, EN
RCA Corporation - New York NY
International Classification:
B64G 120
Control of an active three-axis multiple-wheel attitude control system is provided with a bias momentum to achieve stiffness about the pitch axis. With this stiffness, the system overcomes the inherent inability of a zero momentum system employing the sun as its yaw reference to be provided with this yaw reference during the periods encompassing satellite high noon and midnight (i. e. , approximate coalignment of the sun line and the local vertical). The satellite attitude is normally maintained by angular momentum exchange developed by three or more reaction wheels positioned on the satellite. The control mechanism is arranged to provide net angular momentum in the pitch axis wheels to achieve the momentum bias or stiffness along the pitch axis, whereas the time average of the angular momentum about the roll and yaw axes is substantially zero.