
John Cassavetes Phones & Addresses

  • 7917 Woodrow Wilson Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 (323) 656-7794
  • 1145 Gayley Ave STE 303, Los Angeles, CA 90024


Position: Retired


Degree: Graduate or professional degree



Julian Schlossberg

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…Some of the features distributed by Castle Hill include three Elia Kazan features, Face in the Crowd, Baby Doll and America America, John Cassavetes' collection including Woman Under the Influence and Faces, Orson Welles' Othello, Woody Allen's What's Up Tiger Lily?, John Ford's Stagecoach s...

Gerald W. Abrams

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… Through Cypress Point, he executive-produced Flesh & Blood, starring John Cassavetes and Denzel Washington, Letters From Frank, starring Art Carney, The Gift starring Glenn Ford, Act Of Love, starring Ron Howard and Mickey Rourke, Berlin Tunnel 21, starring Richard Thomas, Marian Rose White...

Denise Alexander

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…notables as Frank Gorshin[1] and Sal Mineo, decided to make the switch from the east to the west coast. A successful child actress, Alexander had appeared on TV and radio by the time she was a junior at UCLA. She made her feature movie debut, aged fourteen, in the John Cassavetes film Crime ...

Berle Adams

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…and during a short interval directed marketing events surrounding Hank Aaron's 715th home run, surpassing the career record of Babe Ruth. In 1978 he was executive producer for "The Brass Target," a feature film starring Sophia Loren, John Cassavetes, George Kennedy, Robert Vaughan, and Max v...

John Cassavetes

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John Nicholas Cassavetes (in Greek: ; December 9, 1929 February 3, 1989) was an American actor, screenwriter and ...

Isbn (Books And Publications)

Minnie and Moskowitz

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John Cassavetes



Minnie and Moskowitz

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John Cassavetes



John N Cassavetes from Los Angeles, CA, age ~94 Get Report