Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
Sep 2010 to Jul 2013
Research Specialist, Lab Manager
Princeton, NJ
Feb 2000 to Jan 2010
Research Scientist II
Nephrology, Medical Center
Nashville, TN
1996 to 1999
Research Fellow
Mercer County Community College
Clinical Research
Medical School, West China University of Medical Sciences
West China University of Medical Sciences
M.S. in Biology and experimental clinic
TECHNICAL SKILLS Molecular Biology: Construction of recombinant DNA, plasmid preparation, DNA/RNA isolation and purification, PCR, RT-PCR and qPCR, site directed mutagenesis, gene synthesis, sequencing, and baculovirus construction. Cell Biology: Manually and automated tissue culture, including primary and stem cells; stable cell line generation; viral, chemical and electroporation transfection; RNAi; cell cycle and cell sorting; mammalian, E. coli, and yeast expression systems. Protein Biochemistry: Recombinant protein expression in bacterial, insect, yeast, and mammalian cells; protein cellular localization; bead conjugation; protein and antibody isolation and purification using magnetic/IP or chromatography; protein and peptide analysis using SDS -PAGE, Western blot, LC/MS and enzyme/immunoassay. Immunology: ELISA; antibody preparation and purification; immunostaining/fluorescence; immunoaffinity/precipitation. Assays and Instruments: High Content Screening; ELISA; Mass spectrometric protein assay; enzyme, signal transduction, reporter gene and ligand binding assays; mycoplasma test; NanoDrop, Licor Odyssey, FLIPR, IonWorks, SelecT (automation of cell culture), Microplate and spectrophotometer, automated liquid handling (Sciclone, Wellmate, Tecan), regular and confocal microscopy; flow cytometry; chromatography, HPLC and LC/MS. Computer and Data Management: Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, DNA star Lasergene, DNADynamo, Vector NTI, Prism, ActivityBase, HCS and qPCR analysis, Scaffold.