
Jerold Guon Phones & Addresses

  • 6440 Wilbur Ave APT 223, Reseda, CA 91335
  • 23824 Aetna St, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818) 716-0943
  • Glendale, CA
  • West Hills, CA


Position: Service Occupations


Degree: Bachelor's degree or higher


Us Patents

Filter Vapor Trap

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US Patent:
39501523, Apr 13, 1976
Oct 3, 1973
Appl. No.:
Jerold Guon - Canoga Park CA
Rockwell International Corporation - El Segundo CA
International Classification:
B01d 4604
US Classification:
55 96
A sintered filter trap is adapted for insertion in a gas stream of sodium vapor to condense and deposit sodium thereon. The filter is heated and operated above the melting temperature of sodium, resulting in a more efficient means to remove sodium particulates from the effluent inert gas emanating from the surface of a liquid sodium pool. Preferably the filter leaves are precoated with a natrophobic coating such as tetracosane.

Yttrium And Rare Earth Stabilized Fast Reactor Metal Fuel

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US Patent:
51125340, May 12, 1992
Mar 5, 1990
Appl. No.:
Jerold Guon - Woodland Hills CA
LeRoy F. Grantham - Calabasas CA
Eugene R. Specht - Simi Valley CA
The United States of America as represented by The United States
Department of Energy - Washington DC
International Classification:
G21G 400
US Classification:
To increase the operating temperature of a reactor, the melting point and mechanical properties of the fuel must be increased. For an actinide-rich fuel, yttrium, lanthanum and/or rare earth elements can be added, as stabilizers, to uranium and plutonium and/or a mixture of other actinides to raise the melting point of the fuel and improve its mechanical properties. Since only about 1% of the actinide fuel may be yttrium, lanthanum, or a rare earth element, the neutron penalty is low, the reactor core size can be reduced, the fuel can be burned efficiently, reprocessing requirements are reduced, and the nuclear waste disposal volumes reduced. A further advantage occurs when yttrium, lanthanum, and/or other rare earth elements are exposed to radiation in a reactor, they produce only short half life radioisotopes, which reduce nuclear waste disposal problems through much shorter assured-isolation requirements.

Energetic Material Feeder

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US Patent:
53909011, Feb 21, 1995
Sep 27, 1993
Appl. No.:
Richard L. Gay - Chatsworth CA
Jerold Guon - Woodland Hills CA
John C. Newcomb - Simi Valley CA
Albert E. Stewart - Lake View Terrace CA
Rockwell International Corporation - Seal Beach CA
International Classification:
C21C 700
B01J 400
US Classification:
A feed system for feeding solid propellant or explosive energetic materials, e. g. in the form of chunks, into a molten salt furnace for destruction of said materials by oxidation with air, while substantially avoiding the danger of detonation of such materials during feeding. The system comprises a feed hopper separated from the molten salt furnace by a barrier such as a concrete wall. The feed hopper is preferably vibrated to move the chunks of waste to an inclined chute which passes through a penetration in the barrier to the furnace, the chute also being preferably vibrated to facilitate passage of the waste material. The chunks of waste are discharged from the inclined chute either directly into the molten salt bath in the furance, or added incrementally thereto by a lock valve arrangement.

Method And Composition For Testing For The Presence Of An Alkali Metal

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US Patent:
42446937, Jan 13, 1981
Feb 28, 1977
Appl. No.:
Jerold Guon - Canoga Park CA
The United States of America as represented by the United States
Department of Energy - Washington DC
International Classification:
G01N 3122
G01N 3320
US Classification:
A method and composition for detecting the presence of an alkali metal on the surface of a body such as a metal plate, tank, pipe or the like is provided. The method comprises contacting the surface with a thin film of a liquid composition comprising a light-colored pigment, an acid-base indicator, and a nonionic wetting agent dispersed in a liquid carrier comprising a minor amount of water and a major amount of an organic solvent selected from the group consisting of the lower aliphatic alcohols, ketones and ethers. Any alkali metal present on the surface in elemental form or as an alkali metal hydroxide or alkali metal carbonate will react with the acid-base indicator to produce a contrasting color change in the thin film, which is readily discernible by visual observation or automatic techniques.

Molten Salt Destruction Of Alkali And Alkaline Earth Metals

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US Patent:
53486897, Sep 20, 1994
Jul 13, 1993
Appl. No.:
Ricahard L. Gay - Chatsworth CA
Jerold Guon - Woodland Hills CA
John C. Newcomb - Simi Valley CA
Rockwell International Corporation - Seal Beach CA
International Classification:
G21F 900
US Classification:
588 18
A process for destroying alkali metal and alkaline earth metal-containing wastes, such as sodium, by feeding such waste into a molten bath containing a molten salt such as sodium carbonate, or a mixture of salts having a lower melting point, such as a mixture of sodium carbonate and an alkali metal halide, e. g. sodium chloride, or mixtures of alkali metal chlorides, feeding a mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen into the molten salt bath and reacting the alkali metal or alkaline earth metal such as sodium in the waste with the carbon dioxide and oxygen to form alkali metal carbonate, e. g. sodium carbonate, in the molten salt bath.

Electroseparation Of Actinide And Rare Earth Metals

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US Patent:
55827063, Dec 10, 1996
Jun 2, 1995
Appl. No.:
LeRoy F. Grantham - Calabasas CA
Jerold Guon - Woodland Hills CA
David L. Grimmett - Simi Valley CA
Lowell R. McCoy - Woodland Hills CA
Jeffery J. Roy - Newbury Park CA
Rockwell International Corporation - Seal Beach CA
International Classification:
C25C 334
US Classification:
205 43
A pyrochemical process is utilized to recover 99% of the remaining transuranium materials from plutonium-uranium extraction waste. One step of the overall pyrochemical process involves the electrochemical separation of the waste components. A solid anode and a solid cathode are used in this electrochemical separation step to electrorefine in single or multiple steps. The solid anode and solid cathode are selected from certain preferred anodic and cathodic materials. Where multiple electrorefining steps are used to obtain more complete electroseparation, this is achieved by employing in the multiple electrorefining steps both a solid anode, suitably graphite, and a molten metal anode containing a mixture of the actinide and rare earth elements. This results in greater separation than can be realized through electroseparation by use of either anode alone.
Jerold J Guon from Reseda, CA, age ~94 Get Report