US Patent:
20140351241, Nov 27, 2014
- Walldorf, DE
Jens Doerpmund - Palo Alto CA, US
Jitender Aswani - Palo Alto CA, US
International Classification:
G06F 17/30
A knowledge base provides a mechanism for storing an organization's data in a way that represents the semantics of the data being stored. The knowledge base may include a knowledge graph that represents relationships between the different classes of data comprising the organization's data. Data that is loaded into the knowledge graph may be stored in data tables associated with the knowledge graph, and cross referenced with node identifiers that contain the data. Searching the knowledge base includes parsing a search input to identify terms in the search input, and mapping the terms to nodes in the knowledge base using the cross referenced information. The relationships among the identified nodes are used to identify a suitable application for processing the search.