
Jay Bolstad Phones & Addresses

  • 10271 W Pine St, Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 263-2438
  • Pagosa Springs, CO
  • Sunnyvale, CA
  • Mountain View, CA
  • Bone, ID


Position: Professional/Technical


Degree: Associate degree or higher


Us Patents

Method And Apparatus For Signal Processing In A Laser Radar Receiver

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US Patent:
61375667, Oct 24, 2000
Feb 24, 1999
Appl. No.:
Donald Leonard - Cupertino CA
Thomas Driscoll - Sunnyvale CA
Harold Sweeney - Menlo Park CA
Jay Bolstad - Sunnyvale CA
David Schultz - Mt. View CA
EOO, Inc. - Sunnyvale CA
International Classification:
G01B 1126
G01C 308
G01C 2124
H01L 2700
US Classification:
An apparatus for receiving signals from a photodetector in a photodetector array. The apparatus has a number of comparators (e. g. 5) connected to the photodetector. each photodetector in the array has a similar circuit connected. Each comparator compares the output of the photodetector with an adjustable threshold level. Each threshold level is controlled by a threshold controller. Each threshold level corresponds with a light intensity value. Outputs of the comparators are each connected to a shift register. Each shift register is triggered to sample the output of its associated comparator at a certain speed (e. g. 800 Mhz). In operation, the shift registers each store a bit sequence representative of the comparator output. The data acquired is used to adjust the threshold levels applied to the comparators. In this way, adjustable intensity resolution is provided at desired ranges of intensity.
Jay L Bolstad from Sandpoint, ID, age ~70 Get Report