Just making my way in life & ignoring all the dummies & drama filled ones. Only you can make or break yourself!
I am a Wife, Mom, Grandma, Sister, Granddaughter, Auntie, Cousin, Niece, Grandniece, Family & Friend...42yrs(yes that's right) lady here who is enjoying her LOVING LIFE and MAKING SURE I'M DRAMA FREE NOW... Going to make 2011the year for me.... As long as I have my FAMILY & FRIENDS with me keeping me grounded...There will be no WRONGS in MY LIFE. With everyone supporting me then this goal will be accomplished. You know you're blessed when others have your back and your side and wont let you go down without a battle. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. ****Ralph Waldo Emerson****
Bragging Rights:
7 Kids & 2 grand kids only 42yrs young...