US Patent:
20120227461, Sep 13, 2012
Milton L. Lee - Pleasant Grove UT, US
Xiaofeng Xie - Provo UT, US
Jacolin A. Murray - Germantown MD, US
Jesse A. Contreras - Bartlesville OK, US
Tai Van Truong - Provo UT, US
H. Dennis Tolley - Mapleton UT, US
International Classification:
G01N 37/00
A system for providing standard mixtures of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds for simultaneous CC and MS calibration in a calibration vial, wherein calibration mixtures are prepared by diluting calibration analytes in granular PDMS such that most of the analytes are in the PDMS phase and the sample can then be taken from the analytes in the headspace vapor in the calibration vial, wherein a reliable calibration sample can be taken from the calibration vial because the analytes in the PDMS phase and the headspace vapor are in thermodynamic equilibrium, and wherein the method provides solvent-less sampling, long-time stability, ease of use, is quantifiable, and related to temperature.