Robert S. Angelieri - Orlando FL
Brian Zoghbi - Orlando FL
International Classification:
A43B 2300
A method of lighting an athletic shoe includes selecting an athletic shoe having an upper having a sole attached thereto forming a bore in the sole and selecting a bore cover for covering the bore. The method includes activating a tubular chemiluminescent light source, inserting the activated light source into the athletic shoe sole bore, and attaching the bore cover for lighting a shoe sole of an athletic shoe. A selected athletic shoe has a transparent or translucent sole having a bore extending at least half the length of the sole. The athletic shoe apparatus includes an upper having a partially transparent sole attached thereto having a bore extending into the sole at least half the length of the sole and having grooves formed on one end thereof and an activated chemiluminescent tube removably inserted into the sole bore and the sole bore cover attached with bayonet connector tabs into the grooves formed on one end of the sole bore.