Joseph W. Willhide - Wellesley MA
Henry L. Viarengo - Woburn MA
International Classification:
A63F 902
An electronic strategy and battle game for one to four players including a visual display and audio sound effects. The game has three levels of complexity, namely basic, intermediate and advanced, and also has a self-teaching mode. In each level of play the object to win is to be the only player with remaining energy units. This is achieved by chasing and evading opponents through space and engaging in energy-depleting battles. In the basic level of play each player begins with ten units of energy and the entire game takes place in a combat mode. In the intermediate level of play each player starts with twenty energy units with play taking place on two different scales, one for combat and another for non-combat. In the advanced level of play each player begins with forty units of energy and additional features are added such as sensing scans in the non-combat mode. The advanced level of play also permits invisibility of a player's starship.