Gregg Peelman Farmersburg, IN
View pageWork:
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Aug 1999 to 2000
Driver Examiner for the State of Indiana
Jeffery Alans
Terre Haute, IN
Jan 1995 to Aug 1999
Receiving Manager
Fredericksburg, VA
May 1993 to Nov 1994
Receiving clerk, forklift operator
Aug 1999 to 2000
Driver Examiner for the State of Indiana
Jeffery Alans
Terre Haute, IN
Jan 1995 to Aug 1999
Receiving Manager
Fredericksburg, VA
May 1993 to Nov 1994
Receiving clerk, forklift operator
Ivy Tech State College
Terre Haute, IN
1997 to 1999
Associate Degree in Graphics and Advertising
Terre Haute, IN
1997 to 1999
Associate Degree in Graphics and Advertising
Other Skills: Some of my other skills that may come into use in the job world are mechanical and critical thinking skills. I enjoy working on cars in my spare time, and have done most of the carpentry work on my own home, including installing windows, laying carpet, digging drainage lines and etc. I enjoy looking at mechanical devices and systems, then understanding how they work, or can be repaired. I'm self taught in areas of literature, history and some science, and enjoy investigating and solving problems. But my greatest skills, I feel, are more related to instinct and intuition about people and personalities, and thereby being able to communicate what the nature of a problem is and what needs to be done to fix it. I am not overly talkative, but have a good variety of communication skills--both verbal and written--to call upon when needed to deal with a problem or task.