Gary A. Deborski - Midland MI
The Dow Chemical Company - Midland MI
International Classification:
C25B 1116
B05D 512
H01M 450
Porous electrode bodies are effectively provided with efficient internal surface deposits of manganese oxide(s) catalyst formations by decomposition, under an atmosphere that can either be oxidizing, reducing or inert in nature, at an elevated temperature of a pre-applied anionic manganese salt reagent (notably manganese nitrate but also certain carboxylic acid salts of manganese, etc. ) in order to chemically decompose the reagent to advantageous manganese oxide forms within the body pores. Exposure to a reducing environment after catalyst deposition ameliorates the provided catalyst structure by rendering therein more electrocatalytically active variations of the emplaced manganese oxides. Highly reliable and satisfactory electrode products particularly well suited for use as depolarized cathodes, especially in chlor-alkali cells, are obtained from the treatment.