
Federica Campagnari Phones & Addresses

  • San Pedro, CA
  • Long Beach, CA
  • Sanger, CA
  • Redondo Beach, CA

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Federica Campagnari
Fruits of Technology LLC
Marketing and Technological Applications · Business Services
110 Vis Del Mar, Redondo Beach, CA 90277


Us Patents

System Of Structural Elements, Particularly For Building Internal Walls

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US Patent:
59040181, May 18, 1999
Jun 20, 1996
Appl. No.:
Federica Campagnari - Redondo Beach CA
Plamet Limited Liability Company - Cheyenne WY
International Classification:
US Classification:
The system has hollow parallelepiped modular components which are each composed of two interlocking half-shells. Raised portions provided on the sides of the modular components engage seats formed in respective locking and profiled elements for interconnecting the modular components. A profiled element is provided for covering the upper and lower edges of the mutually interlocked modular components. The profiled element has a C-shaped inner core, provided with grooves defining undercut ridges for snap-together engagement with the raised portions of adjacent modular components, and a U-shaped profiled element for housing the C-shaped inner core. L-shaped elements, provided for fixing the assembled system, each have one wing fixable within an interspace defined within the C-shaped inner core and another wing fixable to a wall, floor or ceiling.
Federica Campagnari from San Pedro, CA, age ~76 Get Report