Full Name: Farshad Khosravi Contacts Mobile: 00989188565430, 0060172850175 Home: 00988317242275 E-Mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Academic-Mail: Academic E-mail:
[email protected]...
[email protected],
[email protected] Postal Mail: No.:35941, 2nd Floor, 6718985144, West Azar Lane, Aban St., Zhandarmeri Town, Kermanshah State, IRAN. Date of Birth 22 June 1972 Marriage Married Education •2009:PhD student of Power Electronic in UTM University, Skudai, Malaysia. Thesis Title:“Design of a New single-phase to three-phase Converter Using Quasi Z-Source Network”. •1998-2002: M.S. of Electrical Power Systems, Tabriz University, Tabriz, IRAN. Thesis Title: “Reliability Evaluation in Thermal Power Plants”. •1990-1995: B.S. of Electronic Engineering, Tabriz University, Tabriz, IRAN. Thesis Title: “Design of a New Debugger Board for Memory Card in the C.N.C. Machines”. •1985 – 1990: Diploma of Mathematic & Physic in Special School, Kermanshah, IRAN.