Due to his astounding capacity to organise and his powerful speaking ability, Elijah Mohammed who was the leader of the Nation of Islam made Malcolm X a Minister. He served in this capacity across several Temples of the group. His most spectacular success at helping to build the Nation was when he
Malcolm Xs rising popularity, sincerity and unalloyed commitment to the cause of revolutionary struggle made Elijah Mohammed very uncomfortable. Despite his rhetoric, Mohammed was not averse to some compromises with the system as reflected in his consolation of the American state when President Joh
With this situation, Malcolm X had to break with the Nation of Islam at the beginning of 1964. In his last year on earth, Elijah Mohammed and his followers hounded Malcolm X and his family as much, if not worse than white supremacist groups did. But did this not slowdown Malcolm X who rather redoubl
revolutionary message of mass action and self-defence. And quite interestingly, it was subsequently revealed that John Ali who was the National Secretary of the Nation of Islam at the time and who played a significant role in driving a wedge between Malcolm X and Elijah Mohammed had been an FBI agent all along!