English architect • Justice • Chairman
…[68] Eccles Library was built on a slum clearance site in the town centre. The building was funded by Andrew Carnegie and designed by Edward Potts (who also designed the canalside mill picture above), and opened on 19 October 1907. Designed in the Renaissance style, it is now a Grade II list...
Edward William Potts (born July 12, 1881 - died September 15, 1944) was a British gymnast who competed in the 1908 Summer Olympics and in the 1912 ...
Edward Potts Cheyney, A.M., LL.D. (18611947) was an American historical and economic writer, born at Wallingford, Pennsylvania. He graduated from the ...
Jump to: navigation, search. Edward Potts was an architect who practised in Oldham, Lancashire, England. He was born on 2 March 1839 in Bury, Lancashire.