Elliot B. Kennel - Dayton OH
Edward T. Mahefkey - Dayton OH
Jerry E. Beam - Beavercreek OH
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Air
Force - Washington DC
International Classification:
F28D 1700
A thermal storage apparatus for use with space-based burst power supplies. Lithium hydride is encapsulated within spherical hollow capsules. Each capsule is made of a three layer hollow shell. The inner layer of each shell is molybdemum, the middle layer silicon carbide, and the outer layer molybedum. The lithium hydride occupies only about sixty percent of the interior volume of each capsule at ambient temperatures to allow for thermal expansion. The outer diameter of each capsule is 3 cm. The thickness of the layers is 0. 1 mm for the inner and outer layer, and 0. 3-0. 5 mm for the middle layer. The capsules are arranged in a packed array for use in heat storage. A heat transfer working fluid, such as lithium, sodium or potassium, transfers heat to and from the packed array.