
Doyle Wayne Eakin

from Clovis, CA
Age ~87

Doyle Eakin Phones & Addresses

  • 2859 Poe Ave, Clovis, CA 93611 (559) 299-2996
  • 1582 Magnolia Ave, Clovis, CA 93611
  • 4974 Fresno St, Fresno, CA 93726
  • San Diego, CA
  • Dover, MN
  • Dallas, TX
  • Redford, MI
  • Winter Park, FL


Consumer Goods



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Clovis, CA
Consumer Goods

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Doyle Eakin
Online Sports Gear
Golf Equipment & Supplies-Reta
4974 N Fresno St #162, Fresno, CA 93726
(559) 323-9141, (559) 323-9141


Us Patents

Plant Pot Drainage Tray

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US Patent:
7093391, Aug 22, 2006
Sep 4, 2003
Appl. No.:
Doyle W. Eakin - Fresno CA, US
International Classification:
A01G 9/04
US Classification:
47 71, 47 79, 47 65, 47 39
A drainage tray suitable for use with plant pots is configured to collect and drain away excess plant treating fluids, such as water, fertilizer and the like, that drain from the plant pot. The drainage tray has a base member with a bottom having a side wall extending generally vertically from its periphery to form a reservoir with a generally open top and closed bottom. A drainage orifice in the base member connects to a tubular member, such as a hose, to drain the excess fluids from the reservoir to a suitable disposal site away from the area of the potted plant. Support members and stabilizer members are used to facilitate use of the drainage tray. The drainage tray prevents the accumulation of fluid near a potted plant that can damage or stain the deck, floor, sidewalk or other support surface and/or cause persons to slip and fall.

Guidance Apparatus

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US Patent:
57280070, Mar 17, 1998
Apr 18, 1996
Appl. No.:
Doyle W. Eakin - Fresno CA
International Classification:
A63B 6936
US Classification:
A playing club for impelling a projectile over a playing surface toward a target, the playing club comprising a shaft adapted to be gripped by a person using the club; a head mounted on the shaft and having a lower surface adapted to be positioned in contact with the playing surface for movement thereover, an upper surface substantially parallel to the lower surface and including spaced apart reference lines, a front surface defining a substantially flat plane and a back surface, mounted on the head is an indicating assembly having edges convergent upon a point of reference. A locking device is located for adjustably mounting the indicating assembly on the head in overlaying relation to the upper surface thereof with the point of reference adjacent to a place defined by the front surface of the head whereby the axis of reference can be placed in substantial coincidence with target to guide movement of the playing club to move the head into contact with the projectile to impel the projectile over the playing surface toward the target.
Doyle Wayne Eakin from Clovis, CA, age ~87 Get Report